Yanuar Ary Syahputra

Heiyanuar   |  Yanuar Ary   |  yanuarary088@gmail.com

About Me

Hi, Guys my name is Yanuar Ary Syahputra, and i was born on 28 January 2001 in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. And now i'm studying at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.

So if you are interested with my portofolio just contact me on the bottom side or on the top, i'll be waiting your direct message.

My Projects

project 1
UI/UX Design

The covid-19 pandemic didn't stop my creativity to work in ui/ux design, let's see my work

Check This Out
project 2
Web Project

This is my First Web Project but still under development by me so stay tune, let's see my work

Check This Out
project 3
T-Shirt Design

The covid-19 pandemic didn't stop my creativity to design a T-Shirt, let's see my work

Check This Out

Contact Me